PLAYER_STRING_CDLG_GENFAILURE, "Error %lu occurred in common dialog processing"
PLAYER_STRING_CDLG_FORMAT, "Error %s occured during common dialg processing. Refer to 3.1 SDK manual, vol 2 for description of error"
PLAYER_STRING_CDLG_CAP, "Common Dialog Error"
PLAYER_STRING_CANCELDLG, "Unable to create print cancel dialog box. Possibly low on memory"
PLAYER_STRING_ABORTPROC, "Unable to set print abort procedure"
PLAYER_STRING_PRT_GENERROR, "General printing error. Possibly out of memory or disk space."
PLAYER_STRING_NOHELPFILE, "Cannot find the help file. Be sure that the file Playfra.hlp is in either the same directory as Player.exe or in the help subdirectory"
PLAYER_STRING_QTWNOEXIST, "The QuickTime library needed to run QuickTime movies cannot be found."
PLAYER_STRING_QTWBADDLL, "Required QuickTime libraries cannot be found. You may have deleted them or you may be attempting to load too many QuickTime applications."
PLAYER_STRING_QTW286, "QuickTime requires at least a 386 computer"
PLAYER_STRING_QTWWIN30, "QuickTime detects Windows version lower than version 3.1. Windows 3.1 or higher is required."
PLAYER_STRING_QTWFAILED, "A general QuickTime Initialization failure has occured"
PLAYER_STRING_ENTMOVFAILED, "QuickTime Enter Movies has failed"
PLAYER_STRING_OLEINITFAILED, "QuickTime OLE initialization failed"
PLAYER_STRING_NOMAKEMOVIEWND, "Not able to create movie window. Possibly low on memory"
PLAYER_STRING_NOOPENFILE, "Could not open file %s"
PLAYER_STRING_NOINFO, "Failure reading movie file info"
PLAYER_STRING_NOMOVIEDATA, "Cannot find movie data struct"
PLAYER_STRING_NEWMOVIEERR, "Could not open movie %s"
PLAYER_STRING_INVALIDDATAREF, "Movie %s contains a data reference. Data references are not supported by the current version of QuickTime for Windows"
PLAYER_STRING_NOCONTROLLER, "Could not open a movie controller for movie %s"
PLAYER_STRING_COPYFAILED, "Copy frame failed. Possibly low on memory"
PLAYER_STRING_GETPICTFAILED, "Get current frame failed, Possibly low on memory"
PLAYER_STRING_DRAWPICFAILED, "Draw frame failed. Possibly low on memory"
// The following are the standard and ole replacement strings for the file menu close
// and exit menu items. The longer strings are used when the wnd is an activated